And while I like All ages ones that appreciate the inherit silliness of comics (Looks at Tiny Titans, Superman Family Adventures, and Super Hero Squad) comics can be dramatic and that is great. For example.... see Tiny Titans vs DCAU
((To be fair, Batcow Beyond IS in a dream and is fighting against the Justice League of fruit. There is a normal Batcow, Aquacow, and flamecow that lives in normal Tiny Titans continuity. There is not a Justice League of Fruit in TT continuity.))
So, I'm actually kind of excited for Injustice. As I have no idea how to play fighting games (seriously, I have had Brawl for years and every attempt to try to get me to learn the buttons has failed) I won't get it, but I am fully enjoying this character list.
The current roster is:
- Batman
- Nightwing
- Catwoman
- The Joker
- Harley Quinn
- Bane
- Superman
- Lex Luthor
- Green Lantern
- Sinestro
- Solomon Grundy
- Green Arrow
- The Flash
- Aquaman
- Wonder Woman
- Hawkgirl
- Cyborg
- Deathstroke
- Shazam/Captain Marvel
But with all this history, who else should come in? (Please note the length of my dream list and realize that a lot of this will be reaching.)

Katana (Katana, Justice League of America, Birds of Prey)
Tatsu, a swordswoman from Japan, had two wonderful brothers as suitors. She chose one, the other joined the Yakuza, became interested in mystical weapons, then killed his brother and Tatsu's and the brother's children with a sword that absorbs souls. Tatsu took the sword, found out she could hear her husband in it, and ever since then she has been working to dismantle the Yakuza and protect innocents. A member of several groups, she is also one of DC's rising stars (She will be on Beware the Batman and has her own solo series in addition to JLA) And is a master swordswoman. She can easily handle herself in battle and can often go for the kill, or disable the opponent. Likely.

J'onn J'onnzz (Justice League, Justice League (Unlimited), Justice League of America). Depending on the continuity, he is either the last Martian or one of a thriving race. Regardless, one must speak of his cleverness. He may be super strong, can phase through objects, read minds, possibly some telekinses, eye beams, and can transform his body, part of his skill is in HOW he uses it so he can do the job quickly and with the least amount of hassle. However, that also includes making sure the most people are safe. He doesn't lobotomize if he can help it. Almost guaranteed.

Big Barda: (Birds of Prey, Justice League, Mister Miracle, Justice League Unlimited, Batman: Brave and the Bold). You do not mess with Big Barda. At All. Ever. A woman of Apokolyps (Where they are all gigantic, powerful, and generally villanous) she escaped Darkseid's mind control/brainwashing and returned to earth. She's a giant, pure muscle, loves battle, has been known to forget about bullet wounds, and cares for everyone she can find. She also uses a gigantic mace as a weapon and can warp with a boom tube. Fifty fifty.
Vigilante (Greg Sanders): (Action Comics, Justice League Unlimited). He's a cowboy on a motorcycle. Quite frankly, this is all you need to know. If you can, watch "Patriot Act" from the "Justice League" TV series to see him really play out. He's also very good in "Hunter's Moon". We have very few ranged fights. Long shot.
Shining Knight: (Justice League Unlimted, Adventure Comics) Don't let the horse fool you. This is a knight out of time. Torn from the time of King Arthur, this knight uses his powerful sword, shield, and winged horse to protect the poor and downtrodden. See "Patriot Act" again, and keep in mind we don't have a pure sword/shield combo on the team yet. This is also a long shot.
Starfire: (Teen Titans, Red Hood and the Outlaws) An alien adrift in a new planet, Starfire's power run on her emotions and she has a focus on energy blasts (aside from strength, flight, etc) She would also be a distant fighter, but she can fight hand to hand. Plus, she would be a lot of fun to watch. Decent chance at getting in, even better when you consider the other titans in the game.

Black Manta: (Aquaman, Young Justice, Justice League Unlimted, Batman:TBATB): Various origin stories, but it ends up with a man in a very capable suit. More than able to breathe underwater, he can also survive it's depths, which means he is very strong on land. He also has an assortment of weapons at his disposal. Likelyhood: Somewhat. If they use all the various weapons, it would differentiate him from Deathstroke and Aquaman.

Static Shock: (Static Shock, Static, Justice League, Teen Titans, Young Justice) Doused with chemicals as a side event in an intercity gang war, he gained the ability to manipulate and create electricity, electro magnetic fields, magnetism itself, wireless signals, etc. Likelyhood: Very. Ever since the Static Shock TV show, Static has been a very popular character. His power set is very different from the other announced characters, and he has shown up in alternate media beside from his TV show. In addition, there are a lot of white characters in the game right now. If you have any more doubts, look at Cole in Playstation Allstars or Street Fighter X Tekken. Static would be somewhat similar.

Felix Faust: (Justice League of America, Justice League Unlimted) A magician who sold his soul in order to gain enough power in order to alter reality itself, Felix Faust is a master sorcerer. Sometimes he needs to read scrolls to focus the power, sometimes he doesn't. He's summoned demons, turned people to stone, and there are partically no magic users at his caliber.In fact, there are no pure magic users currently in the game. Possibility: somewhat. He's a prominent and powerful sorcerer, but others are better known.

Captain Cold:(Showcase, Flash Villain): Like most Flash villains, Captain Cold doesn't need any powers. Instead, he's the only DC rogue to master "Absolute Zero" temperatures. Not even Mister Freeze can do that. His ice guns have abilities which range from creating ice for Flash (and others) to slip on to freezing everything in a certain radius, to creating a field of absolute zero so nothing moves at all. Likelihood: somewhat. Flash's villains aren't well known, but more elementals are needed and Captain Cold has a unique skill set. However, if it's based on popularity, Mister Freeze may be chosen but the developers should consider other rogue galleries, especially as the Batfam has a majority of the character slots.

Cheshire: (Young Justice, Teen Titans, Secret Six) : a deadly assassin, this triple jointed young woman is one of the deadliest hand to hand combatants (including mastering skills thought lost), poisons her long fingernails and her weapons, and is extremely quick for a human being. Likelihood: fifty/fifty. Young Justice has increased her profile, and it is more recent than Justice League. We also have very few short ranged weapons attackers. Her main draw back is she isn't a drawing name such as "Hawkgirl" or "Wonder Woman."

Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes): ( Blue Beetle, Smallville, Batman: Brave and the Bold, Young Justice) The third Blue Beetle, and the only one to fully integrate with the Armor, Jaime Reyes has alien tech welded to his spine that not only adapts to his will, but has a murderous little voice too. Likelihood: Very. This Blue Beetle is VERY adaptable in canon (sonic blasts, wings, giant stapler type stuff) and the Beetle can turn power hungry. In addition, he's prominent in the outside media and his arc is the current main one in Young Justice.

Cheetah : (Wonder Woman, various villain team ups) The powered version of Cheetah has the abilities of the cheetah. Speed, claws, nightvision, hunting instincts. She's lethal in the right hands. Likelihood: very. She's easily one of Wonder Woman's best known enemies, she's appeared in alternate media, and we have very few female or visceral villains. The main issue would be differentiating her from Catwoman.

Zatanna: (Hawkman, Zatanna, Justice League Dark): DC's most powerful and prominent magic user, Zatanna focuses spells by speaking backwards and the magic does whatever she wants. No, really, she's gone from gagging villians, to manipulating elements, to merging Aquaman's soul with the ocean, to manipulating time, space, and reality. Likelihood: Very. If they can get a spell list straightened out, she would be a very nice pick. Inventive, powerful, and a very good tool.
There are a lot more characters I would love to see. Aya (GLTAS), Catman (Secret Six), Deadshot (Secret Six), Aqualad (Young Justice) Miss Martian (Teen Titans/Young Justice), Johan Hex (All Star Western), Wonder Girl (Teen Titans, Wonder Woman), Kilowag (Green Lantern, GLTAS), Tomar Re (Green Lantern), Doctor Fate, Fire, Ice, Vibe, POWERGIRL...
But this has taken me too much time as it is. And quite a few won't make it on here, even as DLC.
So, the question is, who do you want to see in the game? Is it someone on the list? or someone I didn't mention? Do you disagree with any of my ideas? Or with my probabilities?